Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dan Crain ... You Will Be Missed

The California Triple Crown family lost one of the Most Accomplished Long Distance Cyclists in California when Dan Crain passed away last Sunday, August 15, 2010.

Let's celebrate Dan's life!! 

This is a place where people who loved Dan may feel free to write a memory they have of him, a story, or to say goodbye to a good friend.  Please share your thoughts by clicking on the "Comments" at the bottom of the tribute below. You need not be a cyclist to share a memory here. 

The California Triple Crown family lost a really good friend
and a cycling legend with the passing of Dan Crain
on Sunday, August 15, 2010.

Dan Crain on the 1996 Eastern Sierra Double
Photo by Robert Freed

Dan supporting the 2010 Grand Tour
Photo taken June 26, 2010 by Lynn Katano

Dan and Anny on the Grand Tour Staff Ride Highland Double
Photo taken July 24, 2010 by Steve Meichtry

A memorial service to celebrate Dan's incredible life was held on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at Harbor Christian Church in Newport Beach. Over 300 people witnessed the wonderful stories and memories that was shared from family members, as well as his personal friends. Following the service and luncheon, Anny Beck hosted an 8 mile tribute ride in honor of Dan as they ride Newport's Back Bay loop. 

ADO Gang-member Roland Hoffman produced a beautiful video that was shown during the service, capturing Dan's incredible life here on earth. You can enjoy the video HERE

Cindi Staiger wrote on the Ultra Cycling e-mail list, "A few weeks ago a great ultracycling friend was in an auto vs.bike accident in Orange County CA...Newport Coast.  A Range Rover did not see Dan Crain and struck him. 

He went to the Mission Hospital and underwent a couple surgeries thereafter for a broken L1 vertebrae. 

From friend's emails and FB postings a few words... He was recovering well he even went for a 'walk' around the hospital floor - Sun., Aug 15th however - he got up with help from the nurse - they say he felt faint and the staff got him back to bed.... The Code Team worked on him for half an hour trying to revive him.  They think he had a pulmonary embolism, a fatal blood clot in his lungs, not uncommon after surgery. (The Coroner will do an autopsy to verify this.) 

He was a 7 time finisher of the Furnace Creek 508 (1 time four-man, 4 times two-man, 1 time two-mixed, and once solo). He also holds (with Fred Boethling) the two man 60+ record at Race Across America... He also finished 106 California Triple Crown double centuries, earning 13 triple crowns along the way. He also gave plenty back to the sport, having volunteered at 21 double centuries.  ...some Everest Challenge records too...Davis 24 hour Challenge record. 
Dan was 65 - he leaves behind his Daughter Danielle and a son, other family and a great many cycling and other friends." 

The Orange County Register published this report on Dan's tragic accident.  On August 18, 2010, the Orange County Register published the coroner's report.

Dan's Sister, Sandy, wrote: "Dan's Memorial Service, or the celebration of his life, will be this Saturday, August 21st, at 11:00 a.m. at Harbor Christian Church, 2401 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach 92660. I know that I originally thought the service would be several weeks away, but this Saturday worked out better for Dan's daughter and son, Danielle and Alan. I do hope that his bicycle family will be able to attend. There will be a time of open sharing of memories of Dan from everyone, as well as a light lunch provided afterward. Please pass the word on to all of Dan's bicycle family."

Dan and Bobbi Fisher on 2004 Davis Double
Photo taken by Eric Smith at Redbike Photo

Dan at the 2006 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast
Photo taken by Eric Smith at Redbike Photo 

Dan loved to ride a bike. Any bike. Any time. And he always made it fun no matter how hard the ride was!!

Dan completed an amazing 106 California Triple Crown Double Centuries including many of the most difficult ones in California as shown on his California Triple Crown History report HERE .  In 2000, Dan rode every Double Century in the series ... all 18 of them!!  In 2001, Dan and Anny rode the 1st Place Tandem in the 2001 California Triple Crown Stage Race.  In 2004, Dan and Anny rode the 2nd Place Tandem in the 2004 California Triple Crown Stage Race.  Amazingly, Dan was a Solo Finisher of the brutally tough California Triple Crown Stage Race in










Yet, he gave back BIG TIME to the sport ... as shown on the report, he supported 21 of these Double Centuries!!!  He was a Gold Thousand Mile Club Finisher in 2004, 2006, and 2007 by completing 5 Double Centuries and volunteering at more than one of them those years!! 

Charlie Irwin, Dan Crain, and Chuck Bramwell
2001 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast
Photo from Chuck Bramwell's Archive

The Hall of Fame Class of 2001
2001 California Triple Crown Awards Breakfast
Photo from Chuck Bramwell's Archive

Dan Crain was inducted into the California Triple Crown Hall of Fame in 2001 after riding 50 Doubles starting back in 1996.  When he was inducted into the Hall of Fame, Dan gave these tips to new Double Century riders:

- Don't accept pain from riding long distances … work on the problems.

- Don't try to make up time on descents. The risks aren't worth the rewards.

- Enjoy the ride, and share the experience with others. Life is better experienced as a shared journey rather than as a race to beat others.

Dan told the audience: my personal philosophy is to celebrate life and share the celebration with others.

In 2007, Dan was inducted into the 100 Double Century Club
of the California Triple Crown!!
He was only the 6th Cyclist to ever complete that achievement!!

Dan also was a legendary cyclist on Randonneur rides which are long-distance unsupported endurance adventures.  More information on these rides can be found HERE.  Dan was amazingly tough on these rides and he completed the 750 Mile Non-Stop Paris-Brest-Paris in 1999.  He also completed the 750 Mile Non-Stop Davis Gold Rush in 2001 on a tandem with Anny Beck.  Dan went on to be awarded The Randonneur 5000 award for those riders completing at least 5000 kilometers of brevets (including a Paris-Brest-Paris, a full ACP series of 200 km, 300 km, 400 km, 600 km, and 1000 km brevets, and a Flèche team event) within a four-year period.  Few Americans have ever earned this award.

Dan and Lynn Katano wearing their 2004 Davis Bike Club March Madness Jerseys
Photo from Lynn Katano’s Archive
I believe Dan logged the most miles of anyone in that 2004 Competition

Dan loved challenging himself on the Furnace Creek 508 course.  In fact, he was inducted into the Furnace Creek 508 Hall of Fame in 2007.  Dan competed in this 508 Mile Non-Stop Race a total of 8 times!! Jim Cook wrote about his favorite memories of crewing for Dan on his Furnace Creek 508 adventures HERE.

Bill Osborn was Dan's Furnace Creek 508 Teammate in 2002 and he wrote up a beautiful report HERE with some great photos.

Dan and Anny were always fun to ride with
 no matter how steep the road got or
how tough the conditions were

In 2005, Dan and Fred Boethling set the South to North Across Utah Two Man Team Bike Record in 21 Hours 47 Minutes with a great report HERE.

Later that year, Dan and Fred competed as TEAM 60+ in the Race Across America.  Fred and Dan both turned 60 shortly before the 2005 race. In fact, Fred was the oldest rider in that year's RAAM. They finished the 3,052-mile ride in 8 days 13 hours 34 minutes, setting the over-60 age group record with an insightful report HERE.

Fred Boethling wrote in the Race Across America newsletter: "Dan's cycling palmares were significant. He finished the Furnace Creek 508, a RAAM Qualifier, seven times and completed 106 California Triple Crown double centuries, earning 13 Triple Crowns. In 2005, he and Fred Boethling established three 2-person 60+ team records ... the Davis 24-hour Challenge, a RAAM Qualifier, a UMCA Utah S-N Cross-State record and the Race Across America. All three records still stand. According to Fred Boethling, "Dan was a horse. He did all the work. I was the supporting cast."   Dan gave back to the sport as well, having volunteered at nearly two-dozen double centuries.

Dan is survived by his two children, other family members and a great many cycling friends. Dan, we'll miss you greatly."

Dan competed in the Davis 24 Hour Challenge and in 2006, he set a course record for 24 Hours Solo Riding in the 60-69 Age Group of 399 Miles on the Big Canyon Course then he came back in 2007 and set another course record for 24 Hours of Solo Riding in the 60-69 Age Group of 387 Miles on the Cobb Mountain Course as shown HERE.

Dan was also featured in Roy Wallack's book, Bike For Life: How to Ride to 100.

Roland Hoffman wrote: "Dan was a true emissary to the sport of endurance cycling! I'm in a total state of shock as I was planning to make my visit with him tonight after work! It's certainly a blessing to ride with a true "legend" of the sport on many occasions during my 15 years of ultra endurance cycling! A courageous, adventurous, and caring person . . . and well loved by us all!

Rest in Peace my friend as the lord will comfort you and keep you . . . as you truly enriched and touched each and everyone of us . . . more than you'll ever know. We are so blessed to know you during your life here on earth. You are now "God's chosen one" as you will be riding alongside him among the heavens, as the joy of your presence here on earth will be within our hearts . . . forever! 

You will be well missed . . . "

2008 Hemet Double Staff Ride
A lot of which was in the COLD rain
Photo taken by Jim Watrous

Rick Burneson wrote: "Other than sticking with me on that miserable Hemet ride, my two other memories of Dan helping out are:

1. Repairing my broken chain under the wind-mills on Tour of Two Forests (the Tour of One Desert Year) with SRAM Quick-Link.

2. Loaning me a front wheel when mine started breaking spokes on the Grand Tour in 2007.

He was a frequent rider on our OCRR Tues. / Thur. ride where he was also an excellent mentor to some of the newer riders.

Dan will be missed!"

Dan training on Glendora Ridge Road
Photo by Rick Burneson

John McKee wrote on his excellent racing recap about Dan HERE : "Dan decided in 2009 that he wanted to experience more from cycling and thought he would give bicycle racing a try at the age of 64. Dan joined OCW/Paramount in April of 2009."

Dan at the 2010 Manhattan Beach Grand Prix

Charles Chen wrote: "Jim Leslie found Dan's personal blog HERE

He is one of the nicest guys I know on and off the bike.  I am still in disbelief that he's no longer with us.  Dan, you're truly missed."

Dan and Anny at the start the Davis Gold Rush 1200K in 2001
Photo taken by Chuck Bramwell

Two days and over 500 miles after the above photo was taken, Tom Reynolds and I were fortunate enough to find Dan and Anny.  Unfortunately, by that time, I was out of film in my old camera.  We must have ridden 200 miles with Dan and Anny coming back into Davis that awesome night.  We were plenty tired by that time but the miles just flew by. And how could we have been flying like that after riding 500 miles the prior couple of days? Dan was just motoring with Anny on the tandem and I remember working real hard keeping up with them and Tom.

For me, it was beyond epic.

It was beyond hard.

It was one of the best long distance pacelines I’ve ever been in.

It was a time I will always remember as being the best of times.

And that's how I'll long remember my buddy Dan Crain. Flying at full speed on his tandem with smoke coming off his Rear Derailleur!!

With a big smile on his face.

I’ll miss you Dan.

 I'll miss your help.

 I'll miss your big smile going ear to ear.

Chuck Bramwell
California Triple Crown Guy


johnlong@travelingpen.com said...

Danny I know that you liked to win races But you didn't have to beat us all to Heaven!We miss you and will always Love YOU JOHN D & MARY Long

Chuck Bramwell said...

Jim Frink wrote:

"Very sorry to hear this news about Dan. He was an amazing cyclist.


Jim Frink

Bob said...

Hey Dan,

Thanks for all great training miles we shared on Chucks Saturday Centuries.

I loved reading about all your accomplishments over the years. I always hoped I'd get a chance to ride with you as a teammate on one of your epic adventures like RAAM.

I'll always remember the time you saved my ass from the freezing rain at an aid station 85 miles into a Solvang double a couple of years ago. If you hadn't given me the kit you were planning to wear the next day I would have been a DNF statistic.

Carol and I always enjoyed our many spontaneous encounters with you while riding our tandem on Sundays in Santiago Canyon.

See you down the road Danny Boy!

(Burrito) Bob & Carol Davidson

Chuck Bramwell said...

Mike Berry wrote:

"Dan Crain has ridden several San Diego brevets, I knew him by reputation and later came to know him as a friend. He was an awesome guy and will be missed..."

Chuck Bramwell said...

Greg Sherman wrote:

"I didn't really know Dan that well but recall what an amazing performance at the 508 going through those winds like they were nothing. Very impressive rider indeed. Is there anyway that we can arrange a ride in his honor? Maybe it is already being done. Perhaps one of his favorite rides. If anyone has any ideas. Perhaps somehow to help out his family in their time of need? Just throwing out some thoughts here. Hope something like this can be arranged."

Chuck Bramwell said...

Edward Gallegos wrote:

"So sorry to here about Dan. I'll never forget the weekend my partner and I did the Eastern Sierra Double and we hooked onto you and Danny's tandem going thru Mammoth Lakes on the way up to Lee Vining. That was on a Saturday and after the ride my partner and I drove down from Bishop to Lone Pine to hike Whitney the next day. We were sitting at Whitney Portal that early evening and here Anny and Dan come cruising in on their tandem (it's a bit of a climb from Lone Pine up to Whitney Portal, 13 miles). We all commented on what a fluke thing to run into each other without planning a thing. It was a bit of luck also cause while we were driving down Anny's 31 Flavors had a rear flat so our floor pump came in handy.

Dan was an excellent rider and no matter the conditions always had a smile on his face.

He truly enjoyed being on the bike, I will miss you."

Chuck Bramwell said...

Tom Reynolds wrote:

"This is a shock to me. I rode with Dan on several events, including the last day of the 2001 Davis 1200K (with Anny on the back of the tandem). I agree, I couldn't think of a 65 year old man in better condition than him.

He will remain in our prayers."

Chuck Bramwell said...

Pete Masiel wrote:

"Dan Crain is a cyclist whom I met during Furnace Creek 508 in 2007; outstanding racer and person! I would have the pleasure of riding with Dan on brevets, Doubles and other events. Dan was true gentleman and a fierce racer.

You will be missed Dan."

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

All of OCRR misses you. thanks for all of the miles of smiles. Keep an eye out for Malcom, Richard and John up there.

Jess Guaderrama

Unknown said...

Tailwind every day in heaven Dan. I'll miss those little chats we had while riding next to you

Chuck Bramwell said...

Todd Teachout wrote:

"Dan was one of "the regulars" who made participating in these physically challenging events very enjoyable. I'm sad to hear of the news but at the same time I feel I knew him well enough to know that he had a wonderful life."

Todd Teachout
Hercules, CA

Charles Griffice said...

Like Chuck and others all across the state of California, this has been a shock to me as well. I've ridden many doubles with Dan, trained with Dan, crewed with Dan, socialized with Dan, and now have even grieved a bit at the loss of Dan.

Dan was a part of my family and a big part of my bicycle life over the last 20 years. I first got to know him well on a Chuck Bramwell ride in Jan 1997. I bought his Santana tandem in March of that year. Every time I ride it now I will remember him even more. I rode on his tandem with him on the Heartbreak Double of Sep 2000. We spent over 2 hours off the bike socializing. That was his style. But I remember best riding on single bikes with him on the 1998 Spring Death Valley Double and saw him go by me on most of the 100+ Double Centuries he has done since then. After I hurt my back (airlifted because of possible broken back on Goldrush qualifier), he was the primary organizer of our 4-man FC508 Gastropod (over 50) team (on single bikes in 2000). In 2001, we rode “intervals” up and down a hill in Orange County where I’ve had memorials to my former wife who passed away in 2003 and who knew Dan so well. The hill is also where I proposed to my current wife in 2006 who also knew Dan. But I remember Dan beating me up that hill so many weeknights and talking about biking but also talking about life…his family, my family, our bicycle “families”…So I’m sure I’m no different than many others because Dan had a great way of sharing all phases of his great bicycle adventures as well as his great relationships. What a great guy. What a great biker. What a loss.

He will be missed.

Charlie Griffice (aka Deerslayer)

Chuck Bramwell said...

Robert Kahler wrote:

"Many of us are upset and dismayed at what happened to Dan Crain. I knew Dan for many years through Chuck's Saturday centuries, but most notably from my Clinics. Dan rarely missed a cycling Clinic. Even though he would miss a few classes for his annual skiing trip in February, he always said, "save my space - I'll be back".

Dan was a fierce competitor and a strong and dedicated cyclist. But more importantly, Dan Crain was a genuine gentleman athlete and a dedicated father. When his daughter Danielle wanted to take the Clinic, Dan went out of his way to escort her through the experience, difficult as it was for her to jump into that fray. He gladly sacrificed his own
training to nurture her, both indoors and out.

I will personally miss Dan and his ever present positive expressions of the joys of cycling - and life. I ask that you say prayers for his family."

Lynne Billie said...

Dan was a very inspiring man and offered many outstanding contributions to the bicycling community. One of which included being the Treasurer of the Bicycle Club of Irvine in Y2K. Through all his bike training, he managed to appear at most of the meetings and kept accurate records of the club's expenses. I was the club's Editor and in January 2001 Dan contributed 2 great articles. One was called "Goals", the other, "Furnace Creek 508 Team Gastropod Slides Across the Desert".

Here is a little insert to the beginning of Dan's success and incredible performance at Furnace Creek 508. In the article entitled "Goals", Dan describes how he managed to complete 18 Double Centuries in 2000.

After the 1999 California Triple Crown season had officially ended and the results were in, Hugh Murphy decided to offer 3 Doubles for the fall. The CTC officials decided to let the fall '99 Doubles count toward the calendar year 2000. Dan's partner at the time was Bobbi Fisher who was planning a year long Odyssey ride around the world starting in January 2000. They were able to ride the 3 fall Doubles, and Dan then completed all 15 scheduled Doubles in 2000. One problem arose when Dan developed a bad saddle sore and was unable to complete the Butterfield Double in May, so instead volunteered. Through the help of David Nakai who knew of Dan's inspirations, got the approval from the ride director to do a make-up ride even though David had already completed the Butterfield Double on the scheduled day. Through the intervention of a friend and Dan's determination, he completed his goal in the year of 2000. His last statement at the end of the article, "so that's the story of my 2000 cycling goal, now if I could just apply this energy to cleaning up my garage!"

Dan wrote a very thorough article in his description of "Furnace Creek 508 Team Gastropod Slides Across the Desert". Anyone wanting to read the whole article, please let me know.

Dan's team comprised of four, Charlie Griffice, Dave Kessler, Tom Parkes, and Dan himself. They chose the "totem" Gastropod (the snail family) which they thought appropriate for a 50+ man team. This may have been Dan's first 508 but I may be wrong. Dan describes the team rules, rotation of team members, crew and their contributions which included Lynn Katano, Nancy Kirk, Lou Hristov and Claudia Angelici. The brutality of the ride is a RAAM qualifier with a total elevation gain of 35,000 feet. It might be fitting to think that Dan had no idea of what kind of new beginning of a lifetime worth of long-distance rides laid ahead of him. One interesting notation was Dan's nutrition on this ride as a team member. He subsisted on lemon-lime Gatorade, mixed from about 2.5lbs. of powder, 1 box of Wheat Thins, couple packages of Graham Crackers and 1 strawberry milk-shake at the end at the Mad Creek in Baker. He said it may not have been very cutting-edge as far as nutrition goes, but it worked for him. His training was just the previous Doubles that year, and confided that a little bit of time-trial training might have made a difference.

Many of us have been enriched and touched by Dan, but what captures mine most is his happy smile, his genuine concern of any rider, giving me a grateful "back push" up a climb in the rain on the Solvang Double. All these are lasting memories of a man who challenged himself, inspired others and never gave up his passion. Dan will never be forgotten and will be well missed.

Tim Sullivan said...

I first met Dan in the 90's doing double centuries. I will always have great memories of Dan either when he was riding solo or on the tandem with Anny, including riding through the San Diego mountains ar night on a brevet after Anny purchased a faux leather jacket at the Golden Acorn casino to stay warm.

Dan's accomplishments as a cyclist are many and have already been noted. Yet Dan was always humble.

However what I will remember most about Dan was his friendly dispositon that was always the same, whether while he was riding or when he was frequently volunteering at a ride. He was always nice and pleasant to be around. It was great to arrive at a rest stop and to have Dan greet you with a smile and encouragement.

Dan will be missed.

Tim Sullivan

Chuck Bramwell said...

Tom Parkes wrote:

"To Dan, a tremendous cyclist, a tremendous human being and a tremendous friend."

Mr. Beanz said...

Terrible new, a big loss to the cycling world. I met Dan on a couple of GMR rides. We met for the first time and he treated me as if we had been buddies for years, a true gentlman and a great fellow. A model for all cyclists!

Chuck Bramwell said...

Michele Markus wrote:

"I kept seeing the emails about "Dan Crain" but I wasn't sure if I knew him or not. I was shocked when I finally put the pieces together of who it was. He was one of the first people to introduce himself to me at my very first Prelude clinic at the bike shop a few years ago. I was as "green" as could be on the bike and in that clinic, and he really made me feel welcome."

Chuck Bramwell said...

I was talking to Charlie Irwin who recalled when he met Dan on the Tuesday and Thursday night rides. Dan was just starting to ride ... he had not ridden his first Double Century. He soon became a staple on those Tuesday and Thursday night rides with Charlie and the Double Century guys. They talked to him about doing the Doubles and about all of the adventures they bring with them. Dan got the virus that winter riding the Charlie and the Double guys. He then took off and accomplished so many amazing long distance cycling achievements. We meet amazing people all the time. The California Triple Crown encourages people do amazing things within the Double Century Circuit and Beyond, like Dan did!!

Chuck Bramwell said...

John McKee wrote:

"The Doug Report at www.DougReport.com oftens put a pic and a link to my blog on their report. It is like Cycling News but always with a pic. My blog link doesn't usually last long. There is a nice pic of Dan on it right now. Don't know how long it will stay."

Kerin Huber said...

I had met Dan before, but the first time I rode with him was on an ADO ride in the summer of 2005. I quickly decided that Dan was the kind of person that was great to ride with- fun, positive, and full of life.
I was training for the 508 at the time and I remember Dan making a very kind comment about my fitness level. It did wonders for my confidence.
I still can't believe that I will never see his smiling face again at a ride.

Paul DAquanni said...

You will be missed. From a relative "Newbee" to the sport you always had encouraging words for me, as well as a gentle hand on my back as I struggled on a hot return from a Mt Baldy Sat Century Ride. I say gentle, because you were indeed a real Gentleman.
Dan, thank you.
You will be missed.

Paul D'Aquanni

cgarch said...

Indeed sad news. I too wasn't sure who he was until I checked in here. Michelle and I were sagging the Marin Double after having ridden the metric. The word came over the radio about some jelly-belly colored tandem that needed a front wheel. We turned around and went back to grab my front wheel off our tandem. By the time we finally got all the way out towards Valley Ford, there was Dan and I think Lynn climbing right up Whitaker Bluff Rd.. He figured out the problem and didn't need the wheel. Can't forget the look and the big smile as they slogged it up Whitaker Bluff. All I could think how well this guy who had few years on me was banging it up that climb. A face not to be forgotten.

Craig Gaevert / SRCC

Graham Pollock said...


Words fail me...

You will be sorely missed.

You touched more people in your life than you probably realized with your smiles and encouragement.

You were an inspiration to us all.

Chuck Bramwell said...

Bobbie Fisher:

"Love seeing the photos of Dan... thanks..."

Anonymous said...

I remember suffering on Salsbury Pass with Dan on his first double back in 1996. We compared finishing times afterwards and he was determined to improve. Boy did he! Dan's a cycling legend who will be missed.

Mike Hollenbaugh

Jim Swarzman said...

I still can't believe Dan's gone. I first met him at the 2009 PCH Rando 600K. Shai Shprung and I had ridden up the long climb to Pine Mountain Summit with him. It was a glorious morning, and even though Shai and I, as newcomers to ultracycling, didn't know who Dan was, over the course of the climb there was lots of conversation and it became apparent to us that Dan was something special, as both a cyclist and a person.

The last time I saw Dan was also on a 600K. Nicole and I were climbing up to Sunshine Summit near the end of the Borrego Springs 600K. A van passed us, slowed quickly and pulled over up ahead. It was Dan! He had ridden a road race in the area and was heading home. He offered us some water and we chatted for a few minutes. As always, he was so vibrant and full of energy and good cheer. After we parted ways I remember telling Nicole, "I want to be like Dan when I grow up!" I still do.

C. Seneriz said...

My husband Jose and I met Dan two years ago. He was so kind and encouraging. We knew he was an ultra cyclist, but we didn't learn of his cycling legacy until now, reading through his amazing accomplishments. He was fearless and is an inspiration to all cyclists. May we learn from his life's legacies the lessons that will make us stronger, kinder, and courageous. Your presence will not be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Anny Beck said:
Since 2000, we've ridden the tandem on 38 CTC Doubles, plus 2 in Utah, 2 BDO tester DC's, Calif. 1200 K Gold Rush, in-numerable brevets, lots of tough, week night training rides, lots of 24 hr. gym wk-outs, Kahler's torture clinic at least once. We biked & hiked around Utah, Mt. Shasta area, 2 Tandem Everest Challenges, Mono Lake-Sonora Pass-Yosemite Loop, Lake Tahoe area, Grand Canyon. Tandemmed pert-near every major mountain in Calif., and ridden our singles together as well. He was my Best Ultra-Distance Cycling Friend. Dan loved riding, volunteering, & encouraging every cyclist around.. His Life's Motto: "Let's just do it." We met riding singles on the ADO Apple Crisp ride. He asked if he could captain my tandem in front of all my friends. We both put in 100%. We lived, breathed & re-defined the character quality & communication quality of "Teamwork" both on & off the bike. This summer we accomplished a long-time goal; Mineral King Rd. We were training for Everest Challenge on our singles. I was the last one to see him before he shockingly went. I was glad I was there those last days when he needed the encouragement.

Chuck Bramwell said...

Cheri Scherr wrote:

"Dan was not only a good long distance rider but he was also very generous. There were many times he rode with me when I was having a bad day. Dan was a good strong rider but he was willing to slow down and enjoy taking in the sights if it made someone else feel better.

He is a person who will be greatly missed."


Chris Farmer said...

I first met Dan in 2009. He was sitting across the patio table at the Jones home in Moorpark the evening before my first 600K brevet (PCH Randonneurs). I did not know who he was or that his cycling history was so extensive. But in a matter of minutes we connected thru a network of names of mutual cycling buddies. It was one of those "6 degrees of separation" moments, but in Dan's case in only took one mutual friend to connect us. As a shaky, and inexperienced ultra distance rider, I needed some confidence more than anything. His stories, words of encouragement, and his enthusiasm for cycling and life itself were infectious and helped set my focus on what was ahead.

The next morning, at the 600K start, I saw Dan briefly then he was off down the road. 21 hours (and 400K later) I made it back to Jones house for a few hours rest. I asked what happened to Dan and he'd come back hours before and was sleeping! 3 hours later I was awake and getting back on road to ride the remaining 200K. I think Dan was still sleeping. Later that morning, somewhere out in the Santa Paula valley Dan rode up behind our group and started chatting. A few miles later he waved good-bye and pedaled away into the distance. Someone said…riding with Dan is not something you just decide to do…he was such a strong rider that if you are riding with Dan it is likely because he has decided to ride with you!

Further up the road I met Dan again at the Piru control. He and I talked about our 'trusty, old, vintage carbon' Trek bikes and then set off to Santa Paula. He explained the two man paceline routine, showed me how to lead and follow and we worked our way through a blustery head wind for 45 minutes or so back to Santa Paula. My engine was overheated even with Dan's help, but I was grateful for the "Dan Crain experience". I will miss his presence and enthusiasm as a volunteer…which is where I've seen him most over the past two years. The community of cyclists in the sky has a very special new member.

Chris Farmer

Chuck Bramwell said...

John McKee wrote:

"I just published on my blog a story about the race at Ontario on Sunday which was renamed
"The 55/60+ Dan Crain Memorial Race" at


Anonymous said...

As I read all of your generous comments, I now grieve the loss of two wonderful and talented human beings, Dan Crain and Anne Schneider. All I can say if=s that they have left behind a legacy in the cycling world and the friends they have made and helped will be the ones at a loss at this point. As far as I can tell, they both have the "EPIC" rides ahead of them and I only wish in time to share that. Snowkitty

Bill Palmer said...

I just found out that Dan is not with us anymore. When I look back at all the riding that we did, and the people that I knew, Dan always brings a smile. He was always happy to be on the bike, he is always a happy memmory to me.

Bill pelican Palmer